abut Russeifa School

Russeifa School is a distinguished educational institution located in the heart of Zarqa City, Jordan. The school was founded on strong educational foundations and a clear vision to provide a comprehensive education that extends from academies to life skills.

Excellence in Education

Educational Programs

Al-Rusaifa School offers a variety of educational programs including sciences, mathematics, languages, arts, technology, and social studies. We aim to provide comprehensive education that covers all aspects of student growth and enables them to achieve their maximum potential.

Guiding Principles

At Al-Rusaifa School, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment that encourages active learning and self-discovery. We believe in the importance of diversity and inclusivity and work to provide equal educational opportunities for all students regardless of their cultural or social backgrounds.

Our Vision

At Al-Rusaifa School, we aspire to be a leader in providing innovative education that inspires students and enables them to realize their full potential. We strive to build a generation of creative leaders and innovators who contribute positively to their communities and achieve personal and professional success.